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Sleek Bob

This sharp and shiny classic is the perfect look to impress.
Job interviews, engagement photos and gym selfies all deserve
the brilliance and definition of a sleek bob.

Sleek Bob hairstyle tutorial step 2

Step 2

Blowdry smooth with a paddle brush.

Sleek Bob hairstyle tutorial step 3

Step 3

Make a side part and divide hair into sections. Pro-tip: Divide hair into fine sections.

Sleek Bob hairstyle tutorial step 4

Step 4

Flat iron each section.

Sleek Bob hairstyle tutorial step 5

Step 5

Spray Laque Couture Hair Spray for a perfect finish.

Sleek Bob Hairstyle Routine

Discover the products that will help you round off this Sleek Bob.
This routine is for all hair types.

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