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Fusio-Dose Boosters

Fusio-Dose: A Personalized In-Salon Service For Instant Hair Transformation

When hair is dry, lack luster, or simply not at its best, Fusio-Dose is the
signature Kérastase treatment, available exclusively in salons. The hair is
quickly transformed and restored to its full potential.
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Kerastase Fusio-Dose Your Personalized Hair Treatment

Even those who take excellent care of their hair sometimes need a boost. Stress, styling and environmental factors can weaken the hair gradually, causing it to look dry and dull, behaving in strange, unruly ways. When hair begins to exhibit signs of stress, there is a quick, easy fix available at your nearest Kérastase salon—Fusio-Dose. It is a system of concentrated care formulas and boosters that your hairdresser can mix for you personally, resulting in hair that is soft, shiny and incredibly healthy.

Kerastase Fusio-Dose Your Personalized Hair Treatment

5 Concentré 6 Boosters

There are over 30 different combinations to address everything from dullness to breakage, color care and proper nutrition. The concentré addresses the primary concerns, while the booster addresses a secondary issue, so you can have the best of both worlds. Hair is visibly healthier, shinier and stronger. When you and your hair need a boost, Fusio-Dose is the answer.

Your Personalized Treatment

Your hairdresser will diagnose your hair and create a freshly-mixed formula that specifically targets your current hair concerns with the correct blend of concentrated actives.

Kerastase Fusio-Dose Your Personalized Hair Treatment

Kerastase Fusio-Dose Your Personalized Hair Treatment

Kerastase Fusio-Dose Your Personalized Hair Treatment

Kerastase Fusio-Dose Your Personalized Hair Treatment

Trouvez Le Salon Le Plus Proche

Bien au-delà d’une simple retouche des racines ou d’un rafraîchissement occasionnel, prenez rendez-vous dans le salon Kérastase le plus proche pour un diagnostic capillaire personnalisé et gratuit.


Vos soins personnels

Fusio-Dose au salon

En savoir plus sur le service personnalisé au salon qui transforme
la qualité des cheveux en moins de 5 minutes.

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Les produits adéquats pour vous

Effectuez le diagnostic des cheveux en ligne pour trouver le meilleur assortiment d’entretien
et de soin adapté à vos cheveux.

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